La Pavoni

Shop the Europiccola models
Shop the Professional models

Founded in 1905, La Pavoni are now well known across the globe for creating an extremely desirable, luxury coffee experience.
Since the 80’s La Pavoni have been studying new innovative ideas when it comes to their top end espresso machines. Great attention has been paid to ergonomics, as well as to research into new technological developments.
In the commercial market, besides the traditional lever and semi-automatic machines, some electronic, some with volumetric dosing, and other reliable models have been introduced. The same principles are also applied to the domestic machines, which include a wide range of models enabling the preparation of excellent coffee at home.
Leaders in domestic coffee machines, the Europiccola and Professional models represent a co-ordination of elegance, quality and reliability; manufactured since 1961, these machines will never be out of fashion; the Professional is exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Available to shop online at downtownstores.co.uk