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Equal Opportunities Statement

Downtown is an equal opportunity employer.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity, fairness of treatment, dignity, work-life balance and the elimination of all forms of unlawful discrimination in the workplace for all staff and, where applicable, job applicants.

We aim to create an inclusive working environment in which all individuals are able to make the best use of their skills and maximise their potential, free from discrimination and harassment, and in which entry into, and progression within, employment is determined by the individual’s ability to do the job.

Downtown has adopted an Equal Opportunities Policy as a means of helping to achieve these aims.

It is the Company’s stated policy to treat all workers and job applicants equally and fairly irrespective of their age, disability, gender (or sex), gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way in which our staff treat colleagues, customers, suppliers, visitors and former employees.

Downtown will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation of employees or third parties who do work on our behalf.


Recruitment and selection will be in accordance with objective, job-related criteria and the appointed applicant will be chosen on their merits and abilities.

Downtown strives to ensure that employees responsible for recruiting new employees do not discriminate unfairly.

All reasonably practicable steps are taken to ensure that applicants with disabilities are not debarred from employment because of problems relating to access or equipment.

Promoting good practice

To promote good practice, Downtown takes steps including:

  • Obliging all employees and third parties who do work on our behalf, especially those involved in the management of others, to respect and act in accordance with our Equal Opportunities Policy at all times;
  • Reviewing all policies and procedures on a regular basis in order to ensure fairness and equality;
  • Monitoring the operation of our Equal Opportunities Policy by collecting relevant data, which is kept confidentially and not used for any other purpose.


Our Managing Director has overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy.

Line managers are under a special obligation to promote equality of opportunity in their own areas of responsibility.

All employees have a duty under the terms of our Equal Opportunities Policy neither to discriminate unfairly against or harass or victimise colleagues or job applicants, nor to encourage other members of staff to do so.

Unfair discrimination, harassment or victimisation will result in disciplinary action, including summary dismissal, where appropriate.


If you feel that you have been unfairly discriminated against during the recruitment process, you may write enclosing details to:

Head of HR
Downtown Superstore
Wyberton Chain Bridge
PE21 7NL

All complaints will be investigated fully.