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Complaints Policy

As a company we always pride ourselves on the level of service that we provide and are always saddened to hear of any instance where we may have not met our customers expectations.

If you are unhappy with items purchased or with the level of service provided, in the first instance

Our teams are committed to dealing with your concerns as quickly as possible and will respond within 2 working days (or sooner) and provide a full response as soon as possible. 

However should this not be the case or in an unlikely event, that we have been unable to resolve your issue, then the matter can be referred to the Retail ADR | Retail Complaints & Alternative Dispute Resolution | UK.

Finance Complaints

If your complaint relates to your finance agreement.

If your complaint relates to the finance linked to your purchase you can still let us know about this, but we will forward it on to your credit provider Novuna. Novuna will acknowledge your complaint and investigate it thoroughly and issue their response within eight weeks.

What to do if you can't reach an agreement? 

If you are not satisfied with Novuna’s response to your complaint relating to the finance agreement, you may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must contact them within six months of the date of Novuna’s final response letter to you.

They can be contacted in the following ways:

Further details can be found on the Financial Ombudsman Service
